Android Emulator not starting on ubuntu - Android studio

If you are using Android studio on ubuntu there are can be number of reasons why Android studio cant  start an instance of AVD. Emulator is a one needy insane bugger you always want to work with and you have to tolerate with.  Here the focus is on a specific issue of

"PANIC: HOME is defined but could not find TESTPHONE.ini file in $HOME\.android\avd
(Note: avd is searched in the order of $ANDROID_AVD_HOME,$ANDROID_SDK_HOME\.android\avd and $HOME\.android\avd)"

Normally what happens in Ubuntu is you either download Android Studio + Open JDK or Orcale JDK via bash or you download the zip files and install java and install Android-studio.

If java is there Android studio will work just fine. Most probably you will have to go to 
<Android-studio extracted location>/bin/   and ./ there. Most of the time you will do this as root.

If you have successfully installed Android in your system what it does is in your profile it makes a hidden directory called .android and your avd instance settings will be saved in a directory called avd and there you can find your your_test_avd.ini file

If you are root when you are installing android what happens in these .android/avd directories are created under root users folder and when you try to execute avd manager and start a avd as a normal users there are no .ini files in  <your profiile>/.android/avd.

There are 2 things that you can do to get it over with.

1. Copy /root/.android/avd content to $HOME/.android/avd. Just a matter of simple command and worked for me. :D

2. Before android search .ini files in $HOME/.android/avd it looks for environmental variables called 
$ANDROID_AVD_HOME. SO you can set its value to root/.android/avd. :) (y)



lyjac said...

thanks this helped me start the emulator in Audio studio for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.